22 Sept 2014

Busting the Chemical Peel Myths

Chemical peels have had a bit of a bad reputation, enhanced by that famous episode of Sex and the City when Samantha looked as though she had severe burns and sheets of skin falling off her face after having a chemical peel. The truth is that there are significant benefits to chemical peels and if performed by experienced therapists, are a great way to improve a number of skin issues ranging from ageing to pigmentation to acne.

Myth #1 – Chemical peels result in a lot of downtime
Very deep chemical peels (like the one Samantha had) are not performed any more as there are now laser treatments to help resolve deep skin issues. There are a variety of other peels now available and their depth and strength will dictate any downtime, however many chemical peels have no downtime, particularly if the skin is well prepared with the appropriate products. Your clinician will advise you on what to expect prior to any treatment.

Myth #2 – Chemical peels can be done at home
Chemical peels sold over-the-counter or online will not give the same results as stronger ones performed in-clinic by experienced professionals who tailor the peel according to your skin condition. Chemical peels can cause side effects such as hyper or hypo-pigmentation and an experienced therapist undertakes a thorough consultation prior to advising on a treatment plan and peel to ensure the best outcome. Many people who purchase peels online find they spend more money trying to reverse the damage!

Myth #3 – Chemicals are bad for you
Not all chemicals are bad and often people are scared off by this word. Chemical peels do contain chemicals as do other everyday products such as paracetamol and hair dye. Actually, the active acids in most chemical peels are natural. Glycolic acid comes from sugar cane, lactic acid from sour milk and salicylic acid from wintergreen. These products are safe to use as long as all risks and possible contraindications are assessed before the treatment.

Myth #4 – Chemical peels are only used to treat specific skin issues
Chemical peels can be beneficial for most skin types including sensitive skin. Chemical peels not only treat problem prone skin, but they can also be preventative as well. The normal rate of skin cell turnover is between 21-28 days. Depending on the amount of damage in our skin, this rate tends to slow down dramatically usually starting in our late 20's. Even receiving very mild skin peels such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids will help to increase this cellular turnover to stimulate healthy cell growth while exfoliating dead cells. Prevention for the skin will only be effective if proper skincare products are used along with proper sun protection. 

Myth #5 – Chemical peels are a once-off solution
Whilst most people will experience visible results after one chemical peel, often the best outcome will be achieved after a series of peels or in combination with other treatments. An experienced therapist will be able to advise you on the best treatment plan based on your skin and expectations. As always, results will be enhanced with the correct pre-and post- skin care regime, as advised by your clinician.

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